
The Washington Area Intergroup (#09015) serves meetings in Washington DC and its Maryland suburbs, and is a hub through which OA groups and members can communicate quickly and efficiently for the purpose of OA business. It is recommended that each group affiliated with the Washington Area Intergroup elect a member (and an alternate) to represent the group at the bi-monthly Intergroup Meetings. IG provides many opportunities for service beyond the group level, such as operating a 24-hour answering service, maintaining this website and a local meeting list, publishing a bi-monthly newsletter, disseminating information to the public, and arranging workshops, marathons and retreats.

Intergroup meetings are usually the second Monday of every odd month, 5:30 to 6:30pm.

To verify the correct meeting dates, please refer to the events calendar at Events

7th Tradition

Our 7th Tradition states that OA is fully self-supporting, accepting contributions only from OA members. While no fees or dues will ever be required for membership, OA needs help to keep its “rooms” open (virtual and in-person), provide opportunities for fellowship and carry its message to still-suffering compulsive overeaters.

Our 7th Tradition tells us to give to our service bodies. After paying rent, providing literature, and keeping a prudent reserve, it is suggested that each group send 50% to their local Intergroup, 40% to World Service Office (“WSO”), and 10% to their area Region. 

Local OA Group Treasurers can make contributions on behalf of groups as follows:


To Region 7:

To DC Metro Intergroup: 


Email a Board Member or Committee Chair by clicking on their name. To contact us by phone: 202.681.4056. Send an email to the entire Board below.

PO Box 44727
Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727
Phone – 505-891-2664