- To request meeting reminder emails, send email to: OA-DCMetro-Meeting-Reminders+subscribe@DCmetro-OAIG.groups.io
- To receive updates from Intergroup: please subscribe to our email list-serv: https://dcmetro-oaig.groups.io/g/main/join
- Donate to the Intergroup: to keep this special service active, please visit: https://oa-dcmetro.org/ and scroll to Contribute.
As we navigate changes, with many meetings going back to meeting in-person, please be sure to reach out to the meeting contact if you are not sure about the current meeting status. If you are aware of any corrections needed to this list, please email whereandwhen@oa-dcmetro.org.
Sun | 6:00 PM | St. Margaret’s Episcopal #07755
| In Person Weekly | Chelsea 301-875-5725
| 1830 Connecticut Ave NW; upstairs, through alleyway entrance at the top of external stairs |
Sun | 6:00 PM | Virtual-Only St. Margaret’s Episcopal #801399 |
| Larry 571-246-7063
Zoom: |
Tue | 12:30PM | St Stephen’s Church #50105 Currently Virtual Only | New time 1:00pm starting Jan, 7th 2025 | Mark A. 202-277-2715 | Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/791814193?pwd=U0psVDJtR3NkeVlSYXdZcnR0dGdSdz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 791 814 193; PW-868633 |
Tue | 7:15 PM | Dupont Circle Club #31853 | In Person Weekly | Johnny G. 202-770-7391 | 1623 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Wed | 6:45 PM
| Body Image, Relationships and Sexuality literature #54497 Currently Virtual Only |
| Dave 202-262-8571
| Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/83765350845?pwd=WkozTEV6ZURLUy9naGZNWWl5a3N2Zz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 837 6535 0845; PW: 537270 |
Thu | 6:00 PM | Thursday Hope Triangle Club OA Literature/speaker focus – #57740 | In Person Weekly | Johnny G. 202-770-7391 | Triangle Club’s Middle Room 1638 R St NW |
Thu | 6:15 PM | Thursday Literature Telephone meeting #55708
Virtual Only |
| Russ 202-657-2161 | By phone: 605-472-5314 |
Sat | 4:30 PM | Weekend Retreat #58281
In Person
| NEW IN PERSON MEETING STARTING January 4th, 2025 | Chris 202-236-5889 | Triangle Club 1638 R St NW Unit 120 Washington, DC 20009 |
Sat | 5:00 PM | All Souls Church LGBTQ & Everyone Welcome #31854 Currently Virtual Only |
| Amelia
| Zoom: |
Sun | 9:30 AM | Holy Cross Hospital Silver Spring #30114 Hybrid | In Person Weekly (Hybrid) | Dale B. 301-793-8988 | Holy Cross Hospital 1500 Forest Glen Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Room: EDU 2-3 (1st Floor, turn right after the reception desk) Attendees will need to check in at reception and get an ID badge. Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/118445442?pwd=NERJeU1VcGxWbzdjK1MwUDFvVUxiQT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN:118 445 442; PW: 919991 |
Mon | 11:15 AM | Riderwood Village Silver Spring #47971 Currently Virtual Only |
| Monica H. 240-628-9595 Barb F (202) 545-7683 | Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/81950190061?pwd=c1ZwV2xZbFJzUCt3ZSt6dEV2ZmdFdz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 819 5019 0061; PW: 446236 |
Mon | 12:00 PM | United Church of Christ Bethesda #04391 | In Person Weekly | Laurie S 301-233-2941 Pam K 917-714-0348 | 10010 Fernwood Rd., Bethesda. |
Tue | 7:00 AM | Atheists and Agnostics Virtual only |
| Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/9099905821?pwd=QWdOWGdKMjQ5SHpVajZ4dlVhTlB4Zz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 909 990 5821; PW: 995508 |
Tue | 11:00 AM | Grace United Methodist Gaithersburg #56864 Currently In Person w/ phone | In Person Weekly | Randi 301-655-5728 | 119 North Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg Park along Walker Ave or in lot across from church on Walker Ave. Use the white front doors of the church and ring bell. Meeting off the library in the “Library Parlor”. By phone: 425-436-6374; PIN: 125516 |
Tue | 7:00 -9:00 PM | Hillandale HOW Church of our Savior Silver Spring, MD #37959 Every Tuesday via Zoom and 3rd Tuesday hybrid in- person and Zoom
| In Person 3rd Tuesday | Angela B 301-575-6061
| Zoom https://zoom.us/j/81687222489?pwd=MmljM2hZTDlCaWVyS0RuSjlwbk1uUT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 816 8722 2489; PW: 897251 |
Wed | 7:00 AM | Bethesda Big Book Study #48181 Virtual Only |
| Niki 301-379-1918 | Zoom: Meeting ID: 834 7375 1673 Passcode: 8512324 Phone: +1 301 715 8592; PIN: 834 7375 1673; PW: 8512324 |
Wed | 12:30 PM | St Luke’s Lutheran Church, Colesville Rd, SS 11th Step Discussion and Meditation #45416 Currently Virtual Only |
| Tom A 240-305-3433 Mike K 301-996-0211 | Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/89821485635?pwd=VWx0WnQzSlN4K1loYXBKWlF4OFVnQT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 898 2148 5635 PW: 712140 |
Thu | 11:00 AM | No Place Like Home Ashton United Methodist Church Big Book, Literature, and Speaker Meeting #58034
| In Person Weekly
| Judith 301-642-7134 happyjoyousandfree8@gmail.com | 17314 New Hampshire Ave. Room 209 Ashton, MD 20861 |
Thu (1st & 3rd) | 7:15 PM | Rockville Church of Christ #40148 Currently Virtual Only |
| Linda 301-294-0566 Bob P. 301-785-7449 | Phone only: 605-562-8401; PIN 2425377 |
Fri | 7:00 AM | Carol’s Bethesda Steps and Traditions #03361 Virtual Only |
| Niki 301-379-1918 | Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85481468685?pwd=UDlKNjRNMXlDV21xL1Z4VW16SW96UT09 Phone: 301-715-8592 PIN: 854 8146 8685 PW:742169 |
Fri | 12:00 PM | Bethesda Library Atheists & Agnostics #56851
Currently Virtual Only |
| Judy H. 774-260-0224 | Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86320298740?pwd=eWxDK2ppKy9BWEo1SDZQWWdCZndhQT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 863 2029 8740 PW: 447908 |
Fri | 12:00 PM | Church of the Ascension #49319 Currently In Person with phone | In Person Weekly | Randi 301- 655-5728
| 205 S Summit Ave, Gaithersburg, Room 1. Park by side doors or in lot across from Ascension house. Phone: 425-436-6374; PIN: 125516 |
| |||
Sat | 9:00 AM | Church of the Ascension Gaithersburg – OA HOW #40149 Currently Virtual Only |
| Amy 301-300-9325 | Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/2374368098?pwd=L2FreTBxOHdhQTg0Z0o2Zk5qSVlMUT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 237 436 8098; PW: 40149 |
Sat | 10:00 AM | Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Kensington #49950 Currently Virtual Only |
| Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/82802286270?pwd=aVBpL1pOa0VLWEZ2VXV0bjZtVWg2dz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 828 0228 6270; PW: 901929 | |
Sat | 10:30 AM | Memorial First India Methodist, Silver Spring #01705 In person ONLY the first Saturday – virtual the other weeks | In Person – First Saturdays of the month at 10:30 am | Fred 301-221-1934 Barb 202-821-7683 | 9226 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/83483189375?pwd=RVpocEJma3lEWm4wbi9SVU5Rdi9pUT09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 834 8318 9375; PW: 352953 |
Mon | 1:00 PM | Sanity and Serenity Big Book Study
Greenbelt Baptist Church
#01498 |
| Tom 204-305-3433 | Zoom:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87668250229?pwd=YnpPcW1wVksxOVR4aGNiZVNROUlCdz09 |
Wed | 7:00 PM | Step Writing/Discussion Meeting Currently Virtual Only #56482 |
| Frank 301-395-3568 | Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/535646650?pwd=aTZGSXBrRi9vcFJNVmFxeUZnNEk5Zz09 Phone: 301-715-8592; PIN: 535 646 650; PW: 300797 |
Thu | 1:15 PM | Clinton #55670 Currently Virtual Only |
| Linda 301-538-0741 Shirley 240-318-2207 | Phone only: 605-313-4441, PIN: 197252# |
Sat | 9:30 AM | Serenity Center, Columbia #46205 | In Person Weekly (Hybrid) | Nancy K | 9650 Basket Ring Road, Columbia, Maryland Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7310889762?pwd=QklrWFFPZmhCdUM1bTB4SjZ5bnk5dz09, Meeting ID: 731 088 9762 Passcode: BeAbstn8; Phone: +13017158592,,7310889762#,,1#,628738#
- To receive updates from Intergroup: please subscribe to our email list-serv: https://groups.io/g/DCmetro-OAIG.
- Donate to the Intergroup: to keep this special service active, please visit: https://oa-dcmetro.org/ and go to Contribute.